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in Inorganic Chemistry by (410 points)
Calculate the magnetic moment of a transition metal complex, [Fe(CN)6]3-, with six cyanide ligands in an octahedral arrangement using crystal field theory. The complex is in a high-spin state and has three unpaired electrons.

1 Answer

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by (250 points)
To calculate the magnetic moment of a transition metal complex, we can use the formula: =  n n+2   * Bwhere  is the magnetic moment, n is the number of unpaired electrons, and B is the Bohr magneton  9.274 x 10^-24 J/T .In the case of [Fe CN 6]3-, the complex is in a high-spin state and has three unpaired electrons  n = 3 . Now, we can plug this value into the formula: =  3 3+2   * B =  3 5   * B = 15 * BNow, we can multiply by the Bohr magneton: = 15 *  9.274 x 10^-24 J/T   3.87 *  9.274 x 10^-24 J/T   3.59 x 10^-23 J/TSo, the magnetic moment of the [Fe CN 6]3- complex in a high-spin state with three unpaired electrons is approximately 3.59 x 10^-23 J/T.

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