For the molecular formula C4H10O, there are 7 different structural isomers possible. They are:1. Butan-1-ol 1-Butanol : CH3CH2CH2CH2OH2. Butan-2-ol 2-Butanol : CH3CH2CH OH CH33. 2-Methylpropan-1-ol Isobutanol : CH3 2CHCH2OH4. 2-Methylpropan-2-ol tert-Butanol : CH3 3COH5. Methoxypropane: CH3OCH2CH2CH36. 1-Methoxypropane 1-Methoxypropyl : CH3OCH CH3 CH37. 2-Methoxypropane 2-Methoxypropyl : CH3OCH2CH CH3 2These isomers include four alcohols 1-Butanol, 2-Butanol, Isobutanol, and tert-Butanol and three ethers Methoxypropane, 1-Methoxypropane, and 2-Methoxypropane .