The reaction between potassium permanganate KMnO4 and oxalic acid C2H2O4 in an acidic solution is a redox reaction. In this reaction, potassium permanganate acts as an oxidizing agent, while oxalic acid acts as a reducing agent. The reaction can be represented as follows:2 KMnO4 + 5 C2H2O4 + 6 H2SO4 2 MnSO4 + 10 CO2 + 8 H2O + 6 K2SO4The intensity of light can affect the rate of this reaction. In general, an increase in light intensity can increase the rate of the reaction, while a decrease in light intensity can decrease the rate of the reaction. This is because light can provide energy to the reacting molecules, which can help them overcome the activation energy barrier and react more quickly.However, it is important to note that the effect of light intensity on the reaction rate may not be significant for this particular reaction. This is because the reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid is primarily driven by the transfer of electrons between the two reactants, rather than by the absorption of light energy. Therefore, while light intensity can have some effect on the reaction rate, it is likely to be a relatively minor factor compared to other factors such as temperature, concentration, and the presence of catalysts.In summary, the intensity of light can affect the rate of the reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid in an acidic solution, but its effect is likely to be relatively minor compared to other factors.