The accuracy of electronic transitions predictions in quantum chemical calculations of excited states is highly dependent on the computational method employed. Different methods have varying levels of accuracy and computational cost, and the choice of method can significantly impact the reliability of the predicted results. Some of the most commonly used computational methods for excited state calculations include:1. Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory TD-DFT : TD-DFT is a widely used method for calculating excited states due to its relatively low computational cost and reasonable accuracy for many systems. However, its accuracy can be limited by the choice of exchange-correlation functional, and it may not perform well for charge-transfer states or systems with strong electron correlation.2. Configuration Interaction CI : CI methods, including Complete Active Space Self-Consistent Field CASSCF and Multi-Reference Configuration Interaction MRCI , are more accurate than TD-DFT but come with a higher computational cost. These methods account for electron correlation more effectively and can provide reliable results for challenging systems, such as those with strong electron correlation or charge-transfer states. However, the accuracy of CI methods depends on the size of the active space and the level of truncation in the CI expansion.3. Coupled Cluster CC : CC methods, particularly Equation-of-Motion Coupled Cluster EOM-CC , are among the most accurate quantum chemical methods for excited state calculations. They provide highly reliable results for a wide range of systems, including those with strong electron correlation. However, CC methods are computationally expensive, especially for large systems or high levels of excitation.4. Many-Body Perturbation Theory MBPT : MBPT methods, such as the GW approximation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation BSE , are used to calculate excited states in solid-state systems and can provide accurate results for quasiparticle energies and optical properties. However, these methods can be computationally demanding and may require large basis sets or k-point sampling for accurate results.In summary, the choice of computational method for quantum chemical calculations of excited states significantly affects the accuracy of electronic transitions predictions. More accurate methods generally come with higher computational costs, and the optimal method depends on the specific system and properties of interest. It is essential to consider the trade-off between accuracy and computational cost when selecting a method for excited state calculations.