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in Analytical Chemistry by (2.1k points)
How can gas chromatography be used to determine the composition and quantity of individual components in a mixture of hydrocarbons?

1 Answer

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by (2.3k points)
Gas chromatography  GC  is a widely used analytical technique for separating and analyzing volatile compounds, such as hydrocarbons, in a mixture. It can be used to determine the composition and quantity of individual components in a mixture of hydrocarbons by separating them based on their volatility and interaction with the stationary phase in the GC column. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how this process works:1. Sample preparation: The hydrocarbon mixture is first prepared for analysis by dissolving it in an appropriate solvent, if necessary, and then injecting a small, known volume of the sample into the GC instrument.2. Sample injection: The sample is injected into the GC instrument, where it is rapidly vaporized in the heated injection port. The vaporized sample is then carried into the GC column by an inert carrier gas, such as helium or nitrogen.3. Separation in the GC column: The GC column is packed with a stationary phase, which is typically a high-boiling-point liquid coated onto an inert solid support. As the vaporized hydrocarbons are carried through the column by the carrier gas, they interact with the stationary phase. The strength of these interactions depends on the chemical properties of the individual hydrocarbons, such as their polarity and molecular size. Hydrocarbons with weaker interactions with the stationary phase will move through the column more quickly, while those with stronger interactions will move more slowly. This differential migration through the column results in the separation of the hydrocarbons based on their volatility and interaction with the stationary phase.4. Detection and quantification: As the separated hydrocarbons exit the GC column, they pass through a detector, which generates a signal proportional to the concentration of each component. Common detectors used in GC for hydrocarbon analysis include flame ionization detectors  FID  and thermal conductivity detectors  TCD . The detector signal is recorded as a function of time, producing a chromatogram with peaks corresponding to each individual hydrocarbon component.5. Data analysis: The chromatogram is analyzed to identify and quantify the individual hydrocarbons in the mixture. The retention time  the time it takes for a component to pass through the column and reach the detector  is used to identify each hydrocarbon, by comparing it to the retention times of known reference standards. The area under each peak in the chromatogram is proportional to the quantity of the corresponding hydrocarbon in the sample. By comparing the peak areas to those of calibration standards, the concentration of each hydrocarbon in the mixture can be determined.In summary, gas chromatography can be used to determine the composition and quantity of individual components in a mixture of hydrocarbons by separating them based on their volatility and interaction with the stationary phase in the GC column, detecting them with a suitable detector, and analyzing the resulting chromatogram to identify and quantify each component.
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