stinging ants
where R can be an alkyl group, an aryl group, or a hydrogen atom. The simplest example, HCO2H, is formic acid, so called because it is found in the secretions of stinging ants from the Latin formica, meaning ant . Another example is acetic acid CH3CO2H , which is found in vinegar. Like many acids, carboxylic acids tend to have sharp odors. For example, butyric acid CH3CH2CH2CO2H , is responsible for the smell of rancid butter, and the characteristic odor of sour milk and vomit is due to lactic acid [CH3CH OH CO2H]. Some common carboxylic acids are shown in Figure 2.21 "Some Common Carboxylic Acids". where R can be an alkyl group, an aryl group, or a hydrogen atom. The simplest example, HCO2H, is formic acid, so called because it is found in the secretions of stinging ants from the Latin formica, meaning ant . Another example is acetic acid CH3CO2H , which is found in vinegar. Like many acids, carboxylic acids tend to have sharp odors. For example, butyric acid CH3CH2CH2CO2H , is responsible for the smell of rancid butter, and the characteristic odor of sour milk and vomit is due to lactic acid [CH3CH OH CO2H]. Some common carboxylic acids are shown in Figure 2.21 "Some Common Carboxylic Acids".