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in Science by (1.6k points)
In plants, pigment molecules absorb only visible light for photosynthesis. the visible light seen by humans as white light actually exists in a what?

1 Answer

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by (1.7k points)

rainbow of colors

Absorption of Light Light energy enters the process of photosynthesis when pigments absorb the light. In plants, pigment molecules absorb only visible light for photosynthesis. The visible light seen by humans as white light actually exists in a rainbow of colors. Certain objects, such as a prism or a drop of water, disperse white light to reveal these colors to the human eye. The visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is perceived by the human eye as a rainbow of colors, with violet and blue having shorter wavelengths and, therefore, higher energy. At the other end of the spectrum toward red, the wavelengths are longer and have lower energy.

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