spongy bone tissue
Chapter 38 1 Figure 38.19B 3 Figure 38.38 In the presence of Sarin, acetycholine is not removed from the synapse, resulting in continuous stimulation of the muscle plasma membrane. At first, muscle activity is intense and uncontrolled, but the ion gradients dissipate, so electrical signals in the T-tubules are no longer possible. The result is paralysis, leading to death by asphyxiation. 4 A 6 D 8 B 10 A 12 B 14 C 16 D 18 D 20 The female pelvis is tilted forward and is wider, lighter, and shallower than the male pelvis. It is also has a pubic angle that is broader than the male pelvis. 22 Compact bone tissue forms the hard external layer of all bones and consists of osteons. Compact bone tissue is prominent in areas of bone at which stresses are applied in only a few directions. Spongy bone tissue forms the inner layer of all bones and consists of trabeculae. Spongy bone is prominent in areas of bones that are not heavily stressed or at which stresses arrive from many directions. 24 The hip joint is flexed and the knees are extended. 26 Because ATP is required for myosin to release from actin, muscles would remain rigidly contracted until more ATP was available for the myosin cross-bridge release. This is why dead vertebrates undergo rigor mortis. 28 Neurons will not be able to release neurotransmitter without calcium. Skeletal muscles have calcium stored and dont need any from the outside.