View this animation http://openstaxcollege. org/l/ headblow to see how a blow to the head may produce a contrecoup counterblow fracture of the basilar portion of the occipital bone on the base of the skull. Why may a basilar fracture be life threatening? 3. Osteoporosis is a common age-related bone disease in which bone density and strength is decreased. Watch this video http://openstaxcollege. org/l/osteoporosis to get a better understanding of how thoracic vertebrae may become weakened and may fractured due to this disease. How may vertebral osteoporosis contribute to kyphosis? 4. Watch this animation http://openstaxcollege. org/l/ diskslip to see what it means to slip a disk. Watch this second animation http://openstaxcollege. org/l/ herndisc to see one possible treatment for a herniated disc,.