Effects of Hormones Virtually all of the effects of pregnancy can be attributed in some way to the influence of hormonesparticularly estrogens, progesterone, and hCG. During weeks 712 from the LMP, the pregnancy hormones are primarily generated by the corpus luteum. Progesterone secreted by the corpus luteum stimulates the production of decidual cells of the endometrium that nourish the blastocyst before placentation. As the placenta develops and the corpus luteum degenerates during weeks 1217, the placenta gradually takes over as the endocrine organ of pregnancy. The placenta converts weak androgens secreted by the maternal and fetal adrenal glands to estrogens, which are necessary for pregnancy to progress. Estrogen levels climb throughout the pregnancy, increasing 30-fold by childbirth. Estrogens have the following actions: They suppress FSH and LH production, effectively preventing ovulation. This function is the biological basis of hormonal birth control pills. They induce the growth of fetal tissues and are necessary for the maturation of the fetal lungs and liver. They promote fetal viability by regulating progesterone production and triggering fetal synthesis of cortisol, which helps with the maturation of the lungs, liver, and endocrine organs such as the thyroid gland and adrenal gland. They stimulate maternal tissue growth, leading to uterine enlargement and mammary duct expansion and branching. Relaxin, another hormone secreted by the corpus luteum and then by the placenta, helps prepare the mothers body for childbirth. It increases the elasticity of the symphysis pubis joint and pelvic ligaments, making room for the growing fetus and allowing expansion of the pelvic outlet for childbirth. Relaxin also helps dilate the cervix during labor.