voltaic cell
One application of redox reactions requires that they be physically separated. Even though the two half reactions are physically separated, a spontaneous redox reaction still occurs. However, in this case, the electrons transfer through the wire connecting the two half reactions; that is, this setup becomes a source of electricity. Useful work can be extracted from the electrons as they transfer from one side to the otherfor example, a light bulb can be lit, or a motor can be operated. The apparatus as a whole, which allows useful electrical work to be extracted from a redox reaction, is called a voltaic galvanic cell. Each individual system that contains a half reaction is called a half cell. The half cell that contains the oxidation reaction is called the anode, while the half cell that contains the reduction reaction is called the cathode. The cathode and anode collectively are the electrodes of the voltaic cell. Because electrons are coming from the anode, the anode is considered the negative electrode of the cell, while the cathode is considered the positive electrode of the cell. Finally, because electrons are moving from one half cell to the.