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in Science by (2.3k points)
The actual amount mass of gasoline left in the tank when the gauge hits “empty” is a lot less in the summer than in the winter. the gasoline has the same volume as it does in the winter when the “add fuel” light goes on, but because the gasoline has expanded, there is what?

1 Answer

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by (2.2k points)

less mass

Making Connections: Real-World ConnectionsFilling the Tank Differences in the thermal expansion of materials can lead to interesting effects at the gas station. One example is the dripping of gasoline from a freshly filled tank on a hot day. Gasoline starts out at the temperature of the ground under the gas station, which is cooler than the air temperature above. The gasoline cools the steel tank when it is filled. Both gasoline and steel tank expand as they warm to air temperature, but gasoline expands much more than steel, and so it may overflow. This difference in expansion can also cause problems when interpreting the gasoline gauge. The actual amount  mass  of gasoline left in the tank when the gauge hits empty is a lot less in the summer than in the winter. The gasoline has the same volume as it does in the winter when the add fuel light goes on, but because the gasoline has expanded, there is less mass. If you are used to getting another 40 miles on empty in the winter, bewareyou will probably run out much more quickly in the summer.

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